Top 10 Christian Radio Stations


Radio stations are one of the best and most loved means of entertainment, and it has a brilliant capacity to change the minds of people. Many people listen to the radio while driving and radio is one thing that has never gotten old. We all love listening to the radio. It is one of the oldest entertainment systems we have in today’s world. We have got rid of most of the things which we had used in the past but radio is something which we never let go, and we still listen to the radio, and many of us love listening to the radio on a daily basis.  There are many radio hosts, and all of us have our own favorite radio talk host.

Various discussions happen over the radio. Some may be political; some are for the entertainment of the people, some channels cover the local news, while others talk about sports and there are even kids’ channels. There are radio stations that broadcast Christian values and other things related to Christianity.

The following are some of the top Christian radio stations:

  • K love.
  • WFSH 104.7 FM- Atlanta.
  • Air 1 Radio.
  • WSTG 91.9 FM – Washington D.C.


K love:

The K love is a brilliant talk show radio station which has some of the best morning talk shows, and they speak of some of the best inspirational stories which would just make your day better and encourage you to move on in your life. There are also fun events for the family and the station help the smaller ministries get involved with, the larger ministries. The K love station also has a brilliant selection of music, and it is always a joy to listen to such a station.


WFSH 104.7 FM- Atlanta:

The WFSH 104.7 FM- Atlanta hosts a show called as the Happy Meals Hero where the focus is on the younger crowd, and the youngsters are rewarded for their community service and volunteering in various activities.  The WFSH 104.7 FM also broadcasts some good Christian songs.

Air 1 Radio:

The Air 1 Radio station plays a variety of music. The unique thing about the radio station is that they give the listeners a small review about the song they are going to play in the show; this gives the listeners to understand the song better and think about the song while they are listening to the song.  The mission of the Air 1 Radio is “to create compelling media that inspires and encourages you to have a meaningful relationship with Christ.”

WSTG 91.9 FM – Washington D.C:

The WSTG 91.9 FM – Washington D.C is based on Maryland, and they have the drive through a different program where they encourage people to pay for orders which are behind them when they are at a drive-through restaurant. The station has some of the best personalities in their show, and they also have some nice songs that get played on the station.