Welcome to Preterist Radio
Preterist Radio @ AD70.NET is a broadcast media provided free of charge. However there are substantial costs involved. There was of course the initial cost of setting this all up.
And then there are the ongoing costs of licensing, bandwidth and hosting…Not to mention the long hours it actually takes to run something like this.
Radio and T.V
This is only the beginning. Even though the internet has reached out to the uttermost parts of the earth, there are still some limitations. We are already making plans to move beyond the internet into broadcasting over satellite radio. And if God so chooses to bless this beyond measure…Terrestrial radio and eventually T.V.
Terrestrial Radio
Recent Post
Urban Ecopolis: Navigating the Concrete Jungle’s Ecosystem
Unearthing the Culprits: Delving into the Root Causes of Soil Pollution
Featured Post
Urban Ecopolis: Navigating the Concrete Jungle’s Ecosystem
Unearthing the Culprits: Delving into the Root Causes of Soil Pollution
How a US recycling facility work
Join With Us
Join with us as we take this message of fulfillment out to all the world. We believe that what we have here at PreteristRadio.Com will be a world changing and effective tool. However a tool does nothing if left sitting on a workbench.
So how can I help Mike? Well…I’m glad you asked. You can shout out at the top of your lungs and tell everyone about it. Ok…You don’t really need to shout…But you can tell others.
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Barbara C. Davis
Huntsville, AL 35801.